It starts with a single glance. Some grade-school headshrinker in a tired suit and gratuitous beard has, from across the room or overly tidy mahogany desk, flagged you as Big Trouble. Are you? Yes, you're the one who questioned abusive authority and school policy one too many're the one who made 300 Bill of Rights fliers when the principal made you take off your "Fuck You" hat...the one who cast a cynical eye to blindly following orders and sitting silently still and completing countless hours of busy work so Teach could step out to chain-smoke a dozen cigarettes. Asked the tough questions kids your age weren't supposed to ask. Smart, too smart for your own damn good.... Big Trouble.
The solution? Control our children and their nonconformist individualities with psychological profiling and powerful psychoactive drugs. Doesn't sound so benign when put that way, does it...
A chewable thought from someone who knows so many who have been there...and has himself been there.