Member Status Insignia This is how the Watermark will appear to viewers of your site. It should follow you like a bad rap or the dark shadow that our Watermark member-branding program is. If not, you're using a browser we don't approve of (or an older version we don't approve of) and you should upgrade now to avoid banning, account termination, or possible visits by the GeoStapo. This is how your page will appear to anyone who visits. Even though our name is clearly displayed in the browser's toolbar and location box as well as on your required HitlerCities linkback, this thingie will stay onscreen as long as the recipient is on a HitlerCities page to further promote HitlerCities as well as let everybody know your 'free home page' standing and how you are to be treated. Now that you've been branded, things on your page may not work properly; for example, visitors may not be able to follow any links on your homepage. That's okay; we've already made our money, and since our other ads will virtually guarantee that your visitor won't want to stick around, there's really no point in letting them.