Logo screens are the startup and shutdown bitmaps that appear when starting or shutting down Windows 95. The ones that Microsoft gives you pretty well suck, so...
Changing Windows 95 Startup and Shutdown Screens (Logo Screens)

It is as easy as it sounds. Just click on the thumbnails to download the complete image. The files are now ZIPped to save space, so just extract them to the directory of your choice. Then follow these simple steps:

  1. If it is a start-up logo, copy it into your root directory (C:\). If it is a shut-down logo, copy it into the Windows directory (C:\Windows\).
  2. Find the logo file to be replaced (Startup=logo.sys, shutdowns=Logow.sys and Logos.sys --these are all BMP files, despite the .SYS extension) and change the file extension to '.old' or some other descriptive name.
  3. Finally, change the name of the new file to what the old one used to be. Now the new files will load in place of the originals.
Note that this will work for ANY image, as long as the image's size is 320x400 and it's a 256 color bitmap. Logo is the 'Windows 95' screen that is displayed when the computer starts, Logow is the screen that says 'Please wait while your computer shuts down', and Logos is the one that displays 'It's now safe to turn off your computer.'  
Please note that Windows may try to scare you by saying the file may no longer be usable if the extension is changed. What it means is that the bitmap will no longer load into your graphics program when double-clicked, because it no longer has a .BMP extension. Simply ignore the warning and change them to .SYS files. 

Please be patient, the rest of this page could take a long time to appear! Just pretend it's a Windows boot-up.
Brainwash 95
Please wait while your computer implants subliminal messages in your head
it's now safe to flip off your computer
Control Alt Delete
Property of Microsoft
Where don't you want to go today?
Starting w95 (this could take a while)
Windows commandments
Please wait...out of its misery.
Please wait...rests its butt.
It's now safer to turn off your computer
Keep your damn mouth SHUT!
exception happens
Please wait while Windows shuts you down
Animated (Where will it crash today?)
All excellent 3D scenes created with Pov-Ray, a freeware raytracing package. Check it out sometime!
Logo Screen Text (from left to right)
1,1:  Microsoft Brainwash 95
1,2:  Please wait while your computer shuts down and implants subliminal messages in your head.
1,3:  It's now safe to flip off your computer.

2,1:  Start  Ctrl-Alt-Delete
2,2:  Property of Microsoft
2,3:  Where don't you want to go today?    Welcome to www.microsoft.com

3,1:  Starting Windows 95...  This could take a while
3,2:  Starting Windows 95...  Attention user: It has come to our attention that you have violated several of Microsoft's WINDOWS COMMANDMENTS...
3,3:  Please wait while Windows puts your computer out of its misery.

4,1:  GOTCHA!
4,2:  Please wait while your computer rests its butt.
4,3:  It's now safer to turn off your computer.

5,1:  (Sent in by Dave W.) .o0(He knows about Microsoft's plans to take over the world!)   Keep your damn mouth SHUT!
5,2:  Exception happens
5,3:  Please wait while Windows shuts you down.

6,1:  (Sent in by Dave W.) Starting Windows 95   Prepare for a pane in the glass
6,2:  Warped 95
6,3:  (Sent in by Dave W.) Starting Windows 95... (Warning: Accident prone); (Windows Gates Mobile) You're in for the ride of your life!
7,1: (Sent in by by Robin Bjerregaard Jensen): Microsoft Windows 95  Where will it crash today? (animated)
7,2: Property of Microsoft (animated)
7,3: Starting Windows 95... (animated)
8,1: (Sent in by Adam Middleton) Please wait while your computer tries to shut down.
8,2: Guess who installed WINDOWS!
 Bugman series
9,1: Microsoft Windows 95 (Bugman)
9,2: Windows 95 (Bugman)
9,3: He who laughs last has never dealt with Windows 95

Startup Logo Web Ring
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Attention all! If you have created a startup/shutdown bitmap that meets the big blue-green requirements listed a ways above, send 'em in, for the good of Windows 95 users everywhere!