Subject: macs--read it all Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 17:50:50 -0400 From: Chris S****** <*****> Organization: Boston University To: snicker_page@[NoSpamBots]
Everybody likes a good laugh, and there are many jokes about Apple Computer corporation floating about. But, when these jokes
poke fun at incorrect data about the computers they are simply offensive to
any intelligent computer user and funny to read because I realize how
badly you are embarrassing yourself. I'm not going to waste much
of your time (because I know that you're biased against Apple and no matter
what truths I clear up for you, you're not going to change anything
on your site) or my time (because it would too long to point out all the
false information on your anti-Mac page alone), so I'll use one example:
in your first section, when you, using a Geocities free web page,
are bashing Apple, the makers of some of the most cutting edge computer technology is use, say that most macs can't boot from a floppy.
There only are 3 reasons why _any_ mac would be unable to boot from a
specific floppy, and none of them have to do with inferior disk drives:
first, the disk you put in the disk drive is not a valid boot disk.
That means that it does not have the required system software. Second,
you have put the disk in too late and the computer has already scanned the
SCSI bus and found a valid boot disk, whose sytem it has already started
to load into memory. And third (this is the reason that you
are probably talking about without knowing), Macs are so superior that they
can have their ability to boot from floppy disks turned off, so no matter
how many times you ignorantly shove a floppy into the drive, the computer will not use it. Why is it an advantage to be able to toggle
the floppy disk boot feature? When, as in my school, you have a huge
lab of Macs (of many generations) and you want to limit the student's privelages, booting the computer from a floppy that a student brings to school
will overide all security limitations placed on the computer.
To prevent this from happening, all the sysadmin has to is turn off the floppy
boot feature. And this has probably been done on many computers
you use. If all of these conditions do not exist, then ANY MACINTOSH CAN BOOT
FROM A FLOPPY--period. Actualy, ANY Macintosh can boot from ANY
medium that is compatable with it: CD-ROM, Zip drives, tape drives, DVD (when
it becomes available), etc. In 2000 years, if some computer
company makes a satelite that can be used to store personal computer data, you
can boot your Mac from that. But you also complained about the
feasability of booting your Mac from a floppy: the system's too big.
I don't know what the hell you thought you were talking about (maybe one of
the massive Windows systems?), but you can fit a fully-functionable
MacOS on a DOUBLE-DENSITY disk; not even a high density! You can fit
a whole MacOS in 800k of disk space, and that's a fact--of course, you're
not limited to 800k of space for your system. Mine is 44.2 MB
right now, but it also answers my phone, serves up 1500 hits/day when I have
it running as a server and can compile 10,000 lines of C in 10 seconds. That's the beauty of the Macintosh operating sytem: it is almost infinately scalable, and many times more scalable than any Windows system. And another fact that I know you didn't know about
Macs: on older systems, in addition to being able to boot from floppy disks, THERE WAS AN ENTIRE WORKING SYSTEM BURNED INTO ROM, SO IN CASE
qualify for being productive while waiting for replacments? There are
many problems that Apple has but none of them are with technology. Apple
makes the fastest personal computers in the world! This is not a brag:
the PowerMac 9600/350mp and the PowerBook 3400c are the fastest desktop
and notebook personal computers in the world. This has been accepted
by the media, including the PC-only magazines. Apple isn't fighting
with one arm tied behind it's back anymore: they have far superior technology, but not as broad a user base as the pc makers. And they're
not doing too bad for a company that was started to provide an alternative
to the already booming pc buisness. I'm sorry I had to spend most
of this letter attacking you, but it was necessary to prove my point.
Please write back--I'm interested in reading a well-thought intelligent
For someone who doesn't want to waste his time, this
guy sure has a lot to say ;). In fact, the next two are also his...
Subject: sorry Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 17:55:47 -0400 From: Chris S****** <*****> Organization: Boston University To: snicker_page@[NoSpamBots]
Sorry to write again, but I forgot to include one thing with my
other letter: there was no Recycle bin until Microsoft recently lifited
it from the MacOS "Trash" (and cleverly renamed it "Recycle Bin").
But since they changed the name, it must have been a totaly new innovation by Microsoft, right?
Okay, good point.
Subject: command-line? Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 18:08:48 -0400 From: Chris S****** <*****> Organization: Boston University To: snicker_page@[NoSpamBots]
And one last thing: you can only nest a file 25 layers deep
in windows, because the 255-character name in diminished in max length each
time you nest it another layer. And believe me, especialy on web servers,
the 25 layer limitation is important: I have files nested 42 layers
deep on my Mac, and they can still have 31-character names. Try that
in your awesome DOS (so great, you say, because you don't have to deal
with a GUI. Oh, that's a real bonus). Unix beats DOS and Windows
in every way: the comand line interface is the most flexible and powerful
around, and the X-Windows system is thousands of times simpler than and
Windows while still giving you the raw power of Unix. The Mac GUI
beats oll others in intuitivity and flexibility (42 layers), and wasn't designed with a comand line because it inhibits productivity. If they
wanted to add one, I'm sure it would blow DOS out of the water.
Subject: WINDOWS SUCKS Date: Wed, 08 Oct 1997 17:51:30 -0500 From: Dan F******<******> Reply-To: ****** To: snicker_page@[NoSpamBots]
Don't even ask how I got here, but just know I'm a Mac user, and
I'm proud of it! I suggest you actually look at the new macs out there. Apple computer makes the fastest personal computer available, running
at 350Mhz. I know you Windows users. "That's wrong, there's a 500Mhz Pentium out there!" Ya right. Is it for sale yet? No! By the way,
the Mac SE, which I noticed you dis a lot on your page, was just as primitive as your DOS machines which are even worse! By the way,
some of the horse shit on your page isn't even right. Do you think that
Apple would put all of that info on their page without looking at Win
95's features first? Windows 95 can't handge 255 NAMES! Out of the box, anyway. And who in the hell would need that much for a name anyway?
Oh, excuse me, pardon my language. Oh what the heck, I'll act like
some kind of a Mac hater and say this to you Windows users....
"WINDOWS SUCKS, AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY!!!!" After all, you ALWAYS say that to us. Go ahead. E-mail me and tell
me how wrong I am. Just try.
-Dan F****** A PROUD MAC USER WINDOWS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And this guy used a phony address, of course!
Subject: Your Site Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 19:05:35 EDT From: ****** <******> Organization: AOL ( To: snicker_page@[NoSpamBots]
What kind of site is yours, its so twisted and tormented. Who's
side are you on? MAC or PC? It's kind easy to choose MAC!! You said you made
the site on primitive Mac SE, well duh? thats why your complaining! Buy yourself
or take a look at a top of the line mac or mid-range mac from power comp.,
apple, or umax. you'll see how sweet they are! [...]
Hehe, twisted and tormented. Finally a Mac user who
speaks the truth! (BTW, the site was made on a Cyrix P200+ running Windows
95. WG hasn't touched the Mac SE for about a year now.
Subject: Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 15:06:29 PST From: "j b" <******> To: snicker_page@[NoSpamBots]
Have you ever used a Macintosh faster than the decade old 8mhz
SE. I have a Macintosh SE and it is slow. If you had used a more up
to date model like a Power Mac 9600/350 or on of the new G3 models you page would probably be about how much PCs suck.
Subject: real information Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1998 13:18:56 +0100 From: Niklas D****** <******> To: bgip@ix.[NoSpamBots]
Hi, funny page, but not true. Test a new PowerMacintosh G3 with Mac OS 8.1 and you will find
that most on this page is bullshit. But feel free to use PC if you like, I don't
/ Niklas D******, Macintosh-user, Stockholm, Sweden
Subject: ... Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1998 21:58:13 +0100 From: Peter O****** <******> To: bgip@ix.[NoSpamBots]
You *do* seem to have a problem - you keep comparing ancient Macintoshes with present-day PC:s! A G3 PowerMac is certainly not sluggish, not
even compared with the latest Win95-machine. And it's certainly not user-fiendish
- ask me, I've worked *a lot* with all kinds of machines, unlike almost everyone
else in the Mac/Wintel-fight.
But it's a bit late on Friday eve... And maybe a bit too much of Soave... I'll keep in touch.
/Peter etc.
Subject: simple questions Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 01:20:37 +0000 From: Lars-Erik <******> Organization: To: bgip@ix.[NoSpamBots]
"Judging from the Mac we used to have"? when was that? Ten years ago? Lars-Erik G******, Gothenburg, Sweden
Hmm... Three days, three Mac mails from Sweden. Pattern?
Pattern! (Or are they all sending the URL of that Mac page to each other...)
Subject: Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 15:39:05 PDT From: Brian ****** <******> To: bgip@ix.[NoSpamBots], bgip@ix.[NoSpamBots]
This EMAIL is Huge. Sorry, I got carried away.
Sorry you received that 'bounce' message there, try
taking the [NoSpamBots] out of my email address before sending...
Okay, you asked for Mac Backlash, and I'm
here to supply it.
(BTW, I'm a member of the Mac Jihad, an untiring,
unreasonable front line between a real operating system and
the rest of the world.)
(& btw #2, thanx for the good words on
OS8. It's fantastic).
On the subject of SE's:
#1 Mac vs Bucket of Shit.
Obviously you are being silly here, however 8088 Vs. Bucket of Shit?
Trick question. 8088 is a bucket of shit.
Who said anything about an 8088? Yes, they're pieces
of shit too. That's why I 'settled' for a Cyrix P200+ instead...
#2 Brontosaurus Vs. Mac.
Brontosaurus is not a real creature. It's a misclassification that's been corrected.
However, you're point is speed. Mac SE running system
6.0 to 7.0 boots in 5 seconds. 8088's didn't boot in 5 seconds. Pent
II's don't boot in 5 seconds. How is this a slow system?
MS-DOS loads in approx 2.5 seconds. Get into that
Windows crap, and that's different...
#3 "Why did the retarded guy
buy a mac? What do you mean, they're all retarded?" - Man that's
a good one. Wait. Let me go buy a PC.
Good move.
And then I'll pay for an operating system.
Or you'll get one pre-loaded on the hard drive, just
like a Mac...
Or get Linux, not only is it FREE but also much
more stable than either MacOS or WindOS...
Then I'll pay for a monitor card.
If you buy a computer, any computer, and it
doesn't come with the hardware necessary to make it usable, I'd strongly
suggest you find a different vendor.
Then I'll get an additional 3d card so my
monitor will reallywork. Then I'll go buy a sound card.
And more ram. And a second HD so I can fit something other than my operating
system. And now a SCSIcard
so I can access real peripherals at anything like speed.
Hmm... I don't have a second HD. Or extra RAM. Or
a SCSI card. Or a second video card. Or Windows training manuals, or a
network adapter. My computer seems to be running just dandy.
And a Network card so I can communicate with other
Again, mine seems to be missing. Then again, in my
dorm, on a single-user PC, I'm having a lot of trouble finding 'other users'
to link up to. Actually, I can probably get that second HD I don't need
with the money I saved on the network card I don't need.
Now, I'll pay for
my Windows training class. Then
save up and buy an upgrade for my system. Oh wait,
I'm out of IRQ's. Shit, there goes my Network card, but I didn't need it anyway.
Makes two uf us :)
Anyway, modern computers come with 16 IRQs, and
(unless designed by a monkey) the EIDE interface, etc. are built in and
do not eat interrupts or expansion slots. You can also stack multiple devices
on the same IRQ, e.g. my soundcard and printer share IRQ7.
And don't even get me started on virtual IRQs...
Wow, that only took three years, and cost me four times as much as my Mac
friend. Now, I've got a suped up Nintendo, and my "retarded" Mac friend
has a computer, a playstation, and a car.
I don't know where Mr. PC bought his RAMless, videoless,
OS-less, soundcard-less, IRQless computer, but if he didn't send it back
IMMEDIATELY and demand a refund, he is an idiot and should
be tarred and feathered at his earliest convenience.
BTW, are we still on the subject of Mac SE's
and 8088s here? I have yet to see an 8088 with a hard drive, let alone
a 3D card or network adapter. I said my Mac SE sucked; I didn't say that
ALL Macs necessarily sucked.
#4 "... the PC boxes are too hard to
open." Now, I'm really lost. In the Holy War, one of the standard PC weapons
is ease of getting into the box. (Nevermind the fact the the Mac
box is snap open). But why would you want to buy a computer that you couldn't
get into>
Now I'm lost. My PC is no trouble to "get
into"; the case slides off allowing for easy upgrades--I know because I
just installed an HP 5G tape drive in one of my many free drive bays on
my minitower (drive bay--what's that?)'s nice to stick it right into
the computer instead of plugging it into a SCSI hub in the back and having
this clunky box on my desk getting in my way...
The one time I tried to "get into" my Mac was
when contemplating an upgrade to--wow--2MB. I was stopped in my tracks
by the DO NOT OPEN...warranty will be void...shock user-serviceable
parts...warnings that adorn the back.
#5 "Most turds aren't gray."
Lost me there. Mac's (iMac, 20th Aniversery, and McTV excluded) are beige.
Pc's are beige or gray. What's the point? Oh, wait, the point
is that Mac's are Turds. I see. And 8088's are what, power computers?
What were you Pc guys using in '85? Proto Dos? Text interface,
very impressive.
Hey man, text is cool. You're probably reading text
right now. (If not, there's probably something wrong.) ...As stated before,
a Mac SE is a turd. An 8088 is a turd. For the record, I don't use either.
#6 "Switching teams..."
Point: Mac users are gay. Counter point: At least they are getting laid.
Why are there 2 buttons on a PC mouse? The PC users are busy with the other hand.
(Shaking hands with the unemployed / Checking connections on
their software dongle / Trying to clear the BIOS)
Being not-gay myself, the idea of getting laid by
a gay man is not a welcome prospect in any event...but I digress.
"...busy with the other hand." Point: PC users
spank the monkey while they work. Counter point: Speaking of having a lot
of time on one's hands, this sure is a looooong message... :)
#7 The Cement Joke.
Come on. Using a <fill in name> joke demeans us both.
Absolutely right. I suppose "Because you use a PC,
you must masturbate..." does not.
#8 Make a mac go faster...
Again. SE - 5 second boot. G3 fasted system out there. G4 is going
to be on the market in a couple of months. Oh, it's okay, don't
cry. The PII can still do some math. Some.
Sniffle, sniff... SE: 7MHz
Speaking of PII (is that another term for 8088?)...450Mhz
right now.
#9 Mac User at the party.
Hey, at least we can word process on our computers.
My ol' 286 word-processed just fine... my P200 hasn't
been having trouble...
#10 Pissing off your neighbors by ejecting
disks. This would work. Especially if your neighbors were mouth breathing
PC users. They would be enraged with Envy while they clutch their
poor index fingers, bloody from having to mash the eject button over
and over again.
"Mouth-breathing..." <flame on> Mr. PC's index
fingers are probably a lot less bloody than Mr. Mac's dragging knuckles...<flame
off> Sorry, just had to say it :)
#11 The Mac start up chime ain't nothing
comparied the the Windows sonar beep. PING PING PING.
The sounds both Mac and PC make are incredibly annoying.
Windows sounds are easy to turn off. My PC hasn't 'pinged' in over a year.
I haven't seen a way to disable the Mac SE beep short of cutting the speaker
cable (which means opening the case...BZZZERT!)
#12 Why aren't more Mac owners computer
literate, they would be if they owned a computer. Okay,
which part of FASTER, STRONGER, EASIER is confusing to you? 2+2 = almost
4. Great Pent, that's a real help.
You are probably referring to the FDIV precision
bug present in the original Pentium. Cyrix processors don't have the math
erratum. (For that matter, I don't think the 8088 did either...)
#13 Again with the speed.
Seven whopping megahertz. (Yes, we're still talking
Mac SE here...)
#14 LISA vs the GameBoy.
You're right. The gameboy is also a hell of a light lighter and cheaper.
Oh, and it came out nearly a decade later. What's the difference
between a Casio Graphing calculator and a 8088. The calculator has a processor,
ram and the ability to compute numbers.
Oh, we're back to 8088 now. Wish folks could make
up their minds...
#15 Can't turn it on? You're
out in space on this one. Mac's originated the one button concept.
Not to mention the keyboard power button. Pc's just follow suit.
I didn't say "Macs are hard to turn on", I said Macs
are hard for Mac users to turn on. The idea being, the Mac SE user is not
very bright. Like everything else you're rebutting here, it's a JOKE. As
in, Not to be taken literally. The gross generalization that all Mac SE
users are stupid (just like all PC users nerk their throbbers) is quite
possibly no more valid than the average blond/Pollock joke, though both
#16 Mac user in the store talking about
HD speed. Whoa, are you misinformed. INTERNAL SCSI CHAIN.
Not IDE. We're faster than you. Always have been, always will be.
Again, JOKE. You're referring to the one about
the Mac user trying to upgrade his hard-drive transfer rate to 33.6Kbps...Hell,
my 3.5" floppy (PC or MAC) does better than that. On a side note, EIDE (not the old standard
IDE) is not only fast, it's a lot cheaper than SCSI. Always has been, always
will be.
#17 Mac disk drive access faster.
Wind it up again. Cute, but weak. This in another one of those <fill in
name> jokes. FDD's are the same everywhere.
"another <fill in name>" I've never seen this
one Macs come pre-loaded with a joke saying the same about
PC floppies (or blondes, or Polish, for that matter?) ...As for 10,000
lawyers at the bottom of the Atlantic, I still think it's a good idea...
#18 What to do with an obsolete Mac.
Don't buy it. 2 counter points here. Mac's retain their value
better than other computers, because they continue to work. I have friends
with PB's that are two years old and useless. You could have designed
your webpage on your SE. The other point is in your favor. Where
the hell are you finding Mac's on the shelf? Can you send me the
address? I can't find any here.
By PB I assume you mean Packard Bell. I *know* those
are pieces of shit; a friend had a PB that died within a year...I've seen
several "I bought a Packard Bell and it burst into flames when I plugged
it in" support groups, as well as an Official PB Hardware Failure Web Ring...
About designing websites on my SE... 1) No Modem.
2) No way to install it even if I had one.
So that leaves writing it on the SE, saving to
floppy, sticking the floppy in my PC (which HAS a modem) and trying
to convert between Mac/PC disk formats. Problem: Disks written with the
SE 800K floppy drive cannot be read by a 1.44MB PC drive no matter what
conversion software you use. So I guess that leaves typing the HTMl, printing
it, then trying to scan it into the PC with HTML-aware OCR software, which
doesn't exist. Or just save print time and read off the code you type on
the Mac to your friend on the PC so he can retype it.
#19 Change a light bulb.
How many PC users does it take to change a light bulb. Surprisingly, the
number is also 4. 1 to change the light bulb, and three to earn the cash to
buy the Lightbulb.exe patch from Microsoft.
#20 SE's in use. Let's
take a poll. Having worked the Apple support line, I can tel you that there are a shitload
of SE's out there, running
Oh, so you're an Apple employee. Hmmm...
(BTW: Due to the length of this mail (yes, somebody
had a LOT of time on their hands) I won't be making comments on every point...)
hardwired houses, managing stores, designing
school newspapers. Meanwhile, the 8088's , with their FLOPPY
floppy drives are doing what? Nothing. It's sorry.
I don't see any 8088 web pages because all the 8088 owners are on their 4th or 5th computer
since then. That's a lot of money.
These all apply for 8088's and you know it.
What's worse is they also apply for 386's and 486's and the Pent 1's.
Does W98 run on a Pent 1?
The Apple List:
"we couldn't find any pro-mac sights written
by mac users..."
What are you blind? Yahoo has
a whole catagory called Mac vs PC, it lists like 50 pro mac sights.
Woah... There's a Yahoo now? Man, this page has been
around longer than I thought...
(Bullcrap aside, at the time of the writing the
entire Web Crew (4 at the time) went on an all-out search for anti-PC drivel
residing somewhere other than Didn't find any...)
On the issue of disk ejection: Of course you have to quit programs that
are running from a disk before the computer will spit out the disk.
If you ran a program from a floppy on a pc and pulled it out, your computer
would choke. (Point is moot though as the windows fatware guarentees
that no PC program could fit on 1 disk).
I run Windows programs from floppies. WS_FTP is one
of them, I run it from a diskette in the school computer lab, as installing
stuff is forbidden. As soon as the program is loaded, you can take out
the disk no trouble. And when a program *does* require its diskette for
any reason, all I've gotten is a friendly "please insert disk" rather than
the 'choke' you refer to.
Disks do get stuck in the computer when there
is no power. Also the computer doesn't work when there is no power,
so it's not like you're going to be using the disk for anything,
are you.
Of course, if it's not your disk.... or if your friend
wants to borrow it... or your English report (due tomorrow!) is on it...of
course you can always take an F; in a power outage you're not going to
be using your printer either.
On booting from a floopy: If the disk got spit out it's not a bootable
floppy. How about booting from a CD. PC's still can't do
Mine boots from a CD. It will boot from the Windows
95 Cd-rom, for example. CD boot instructions are written into the system
Too bad. But, I guess you can fit your entire recovery program on a 1.4
floppy right.
Hate to see your tool box. 1 screwdriver,
2 nails and rock and a pointy stick. Stay away from my car.
The "most mac's can't boot from a floppy"
is blatently false. Name one mac that couldn't. Only the iMac
can't boot from a floppy, because it's floppiless. You out of bounds.
Name one: The iMac, for one. You said so yourself.
And my SE won't boot from any floppy but the Mac distribution disk (mine
was lost in a fire anyway) with its stripped-down System that's only good
for installing the rest of the system off five *other* floppies onto your
hard drive. Really useful if your hard drive's crashed.
On the mouse: None of you windows 95 users remember installing
the mouse driver because w95 is a dumbed down version of the
Mac OS. Ever drag your trash can to the right and your start bar
to the top. Hmm, look familiar?
You're defending your stance by saying that
Apple is pointing at W31, but you're running a web site about the Mac
SE circa 85-86. Get off your high horse.
And your comments about the hotswapping of
the mouse. 1) Mac's have reset buttons.
Mine doesn't. The only thing close is the "Programmer's
Switch" that mine didn't come with.
2) I don't know what you did, but that
wasn't the mouse button. Besides, saying,
"My mac won't hot swap the mouse either", doesn't make the mouse hot swapable
in windows. Ever unplug the mouse in w98. I guess they
are still working on that one.
If I boot Windows without a mouse plugged in, it
tells me there is no mouse plugged in and tells me I can safely plug it
in at that point. The computer doesn't suffer a hardware failure when I
On recycling: Cute comment, but useless. It's
not like the PC has a big piles of 1's and 0's that it draws from. Oh,
shit, I'm wicked low on 1's, can you throw some on a floppy disk for me, Zeek.
Sure thing, Earl.
I'm afraid I don't understand. Changing the name
of the delete command (move to Trash, move to RB, move to /dev/null...)
does not make it function differently. Delete deletes, by any other name
it's still deleting.
On backspace / undo: Apparently, you are unfamiliar with Undo.
Undo allows you to undo a function. Backspace moves the cursor
backwards over text to erase a letter. Don't worry, keep using
computers, and the little things will become like second nature.
Not quite what I said. The point was that the "Undo"
command is rather pointless, considering the fact that if you make a mistake
when renaming something you can use the 'backspace' key to delete the error
and correct it. A typo is a relatively easy thing to correct, unlike an
accidental "Guassian blur" in Photoshop, and really doesn't need Undo.
On the use of the trash can on your computer: First, don't trash stuff you need.
Second, don't empty the trash if you need it. Third, use Unerase
to get that shit back.
First: Of course nobody trashes something they find
out later that they need. That's why Macs don't have a Trash. That's why
Windows doesn't have a Recycle bin. That's why there's no such thing as
Second: Don't let the System empty the trash
for you, without permission, behind your back while you're in another application.
Third: I think I made the point pretty clearly
that my Mac SE has no "undelete" command. Of course, I could shell out
$$$ for something that, if the system worked correctly in the first place,
I wouldn't need.
On the DON'T OPEN THE CASE warrenty: Yes, on the SE, you weren't supposed to open
the cases. Then again, at the time RAM cost like $5k for a meg.
People weren't supposed to upgrade their computers.
But things change. Ram got cheaper,
users proved to be only slightly smarter than bugs, and have been allowed
to monkey around in the wires and PC's have increased their 640k convential
memory restriction to.... Oops 640k. I guess you
guys still have less than a Meg for actually computer brainpower. Too bad.
Actually, it has 32MB. That's with Windows VMM turned
off. Otherwise it's limited only by my HD space. It's funny, I've never
had an "Out Of Memory" error in Windows. (Or DOS with DOS4GW for that matter)
On the GUI: I'd like to see you drop to DOS and run your
W98 applications. That'd be a real hoot.
I'd like to see me buy W98. THAT would be a hoot.
On long names: Yes, W95 has increased the length in names.
Too bad a mac file named "NEW NEWS!" Would have to be called
"New NewsExclaimationpoint" on your versitile Windows machine. I
guess 255 characters seems like a lot, but remember numbers and letters only.
I've never tried to use "!!!Holy!Shit!Cool!File!!!"
as a filename. Maybe my files just aren't as exciting as yours.
PS. Windows has no problem with exclamation points.
Screenshot from my desktop...
On extensions: "my old mac" Why is it
all your points are about "my old mac".
Because this is a page about my old Mac. Any further
When I open up my HD, I have a differnet icon
for text documents written with different programs. And the computer
remembers where they came from, goes and opens that program for me.
Or, if I've deleted teh program, it grabs the next compatable one.
I can see how .txt really helps you out.
On the Dumb quote: "You're jealous because you're reset button
is worn out". I guess he's implying that Pc's have to be reset a lot.
I haven't really seen that to be true. They do have to restarted
a lot, but I'm not going to throw any stones there.
No, I never had to press the reset button on my Mac.
It doesn't have one. Reach in the back turn it off, turn it back on...that's
a different story. At least it kept that 'bomb' graphic from burning into
the monitor.
About my spelling: I'm
not a great speller. Or speler. Or whatever. If I made mistakes, I'm sorry.
About the flame page: I hate the Mac users that have gone rogue.
If they aren't a Mac Marine or a Member of the Mac Jihad, they aren't
always with the program. That first guy is way too long winded.
He's very dry. He's not funny, and he made the cardinal mistake.
You don't prove Mac is great by bring up how great Unix is, dipshit.
The second guy overlooked the point that
the 350Mhz mac is faster han the 500mhz PII. Backside cache
is where it's at. the phony email address just proves he's a FLAMEr, he may
even be Jihad.
I DID eventually get back to him--he left a bogey
GeoShitties address in the reply-to, but left his home address in From:.
I sent back some rebuttal, and ended up getting a nice apologetic email
from the same address. (Methinks his Mommy wrote it.)
The third guy was confused by your Made With
MAC & CHEESE icon. He's what we call Cattle.
That's about it. Hey, write me back.
I'm bored shitless.
The Duckman 1 last BTW: I'm working for HP
tech support now, having been downsized during the recent Apple unpleasantness.
If you want to talk idiot users, you just let me know.
I think there's a big factory somewhere that mass-produces
'em, by the millions. That's how those 900 psychic lines and Windows training
classes stay in business.
*Names and addresses removed to protect the identity
of the sources. (we know there are a LOT of Mac haters out there, and we
wouldn't want these here folks to sustain any splash damage as a result
of their flames...)
Mac lovers, got some fire & brimstone
for us? Flame it unto