An uncensored, independent publication of the students of Tri-State University

Volume 2, Issue 7, January 15 2001

Dr. Brooks & the gang address student concerns

Complaints and compliments flowed like wine at the recent Roundtable. Representatives from Student Services, the cafeteria, and the TSU physical plant, as well as Dick Hack and Pres. Brooks, were in attendance to listen to over two hours of student comments and concerns. Recent acts of vandalism and theft, including the disappearance of a projection TV from the Comfort Zone, prompted questions about the level of security on campus and have led to a locked-door policy for the dorms, which will go into effect at the beginning of the new semester. Few had complaints with the Units being locked, but some opposed the after-hours locking of Stewart, the epicenter of TSU nightlife. Other possible plans to improve security, including locks controlled by "smart card" IDs, are under consideration. Other big issues raised included dorm cleanliness and cleaning staff distribution, concerns about WEAX and its funding, food service (use of uneaten meals, weekend food options, cafeteria hours), student publications, the Broken Jar Cafe, hot water (particularly in Stewart), the possibility of student involvement in managing TSU's computer labs and network, after-hours recreational activities, and of course, parking. We have been assured that, contrary to some rumors circulating, legally-parked visitors (cars without stickers) will NOT be towed or ticketed. This is good news for all--no need to worry about sharing or printing out pirated parking stickers for your friends and relatives. Students welcomed a new face to the mix, the freshly-appointed head of the TSU physical plant. He cordially addressed a number of concerns about cleaning staff and maintenance, and outlined plans for improvement across the board, including changes in the handling of work orders. Under the new system, one will be able to submit work orders electronically and track their progress online. Under the current system, work orders are sometimes resubmitted several times before the work gets done. Plans for a campus-wide recycling program, slated for introduction in January, were also announced. All in all, about 20 students attended the Roundtable, including Triangle and Rag staff writers, residents of A, B, C, E and Stewart, former WEAX DJs, and Student Senate reps.
On a personal note, I would like to thank Mr. Hack, Pres. Brooks and everyone in attendace for taking the time to listen to all of our gripes. Now, I know people like to dish these folks a lot of crap (and as a longtime reader, have seen more than a few students use The Rag as their shovel), but they're really not that bad.

I would like to address Andy Rockwell's submission to the rag. For one, I don't know why in the world you would want your name tacked on to such a horrible strip of writing. Do you know how to spell? You know there is such a thing called a spellcheck on most computers these days... Did you have any grammar lessons in high school or did you just happen to roll into college. And Jesus Christ, it is the DMV not BMV. Hello! 
PS- Why don't you hit up ol' TSU for a job after you graduate, you've seen to already bought into a load of BS, so why don't you try to sell it yourself.
And for Kathy Forrester- (I really don't care enough to take the time to find the correct spelling for her name)

Her so called theater class is the biggest joke I've seen yet at this school (besides half of the women's athletic team coaches) Tell me why she has free reign to force these students into fulfilling her pitiful drama director dreams? Everyone in the theater class is forced to help put on the stupid thing as a part of the class. Please tell me what is learned about theater when you are forced to come in and listen in on boring play practices on some play that you are quite sure 5th graders would be capable of doing. I thought it was theater, not bitch work. If anyone reading this plans on going to see it--don't expect some exciting ending. Pulling my eyelashes out would be a better form of amusement. Of course this pleases all the pathetic drama yuppies because now they might have enough people to put the thing on. Or at least an audience. Please. Most of the people in the class are only in there because it is required for their major.
Why else would they come to listen in on Kathy and a few other drama drones moan on and on about some character's internal struggles and feelings? Jesus, as if listening to Kathy push her feminist BS wasn't annoying enough. I don't understand the women who insist on equal rights, but then will turn around and make jokes about women being the superior sex and this and that. If you are going to advocate something at least do it right. If you want to just be a feminist bitch, be one. Everyone thinks she is anyway.
And for the pointless whining about a tiny university play? That's right, it sure is and if I had to be in it I would be embarrased of the effort.


Dear Rag,
Regarding the people who don’t flush (from a couple issues ago) : The folks in Unit A (Conrad), Unit E (Fabiani) and Stewart are doubly unexcused. Their crappers come equipped with an electric eye that flushes the toilet for them. Are these people so afraid of new technology that they have figured out a way to circumvent this? Are they convinced that outwitting the autoflush will become an Olympic event?

Dear Rag,

It would appear that the local Tool Shed has added a printing press to its arsenal of fair-weather equipment. I'm sure that by now you've seen the other publication floating around, printed on recycled stars and stripes, lambasting the other other publication (printed by a rogue gang of underacheiving Satan-worshippers who have nothing better to do than sit around drinking and failing classes) we so dearly know and love. Yet for all the rambling angst and accusations of how The Rag "isn't helping improve Tri-State", I still fail to see how this other publication is doing any better. It would seem that, in complaining about a perceived "noise floor", they are merely adding to it. I suggest that if someone doesn't like what's in the Rag, they could always get off their, ahem, patriotic duffs and write something they DO want to see published--if a recent letter comparing world religions to cold marital aids can grace the front page, I don't think censorship will be an issue. Speaking of alma mater improvement, I didn't see #318 at the Roundtable. I thought I saw a clot of do-gooders burning books in front of Wal-Mart that night, but it's probably just a coincidence.

Hey guys,
Just found out that lunch hours in the Cafeteria have been extended until 2:00. SWEET!

“David G. Contact me soon! Bring three rings: Engagement, wedding and teething. Have news. Debbie.”