An uncensored, independent publication of the students of Tri-State University

Volume 2, Issue 6, November 25 2001

  • The alumni office, not Student Services as reported in T’s article (Issue 5, Nov. 10), are responsible for handling scholarship issues. Student Services does not have anything to do with scholarships.
  • The Roundtable has been rescheduled for Wednesday, December 5, 7PM in the Cafeteria.

Readers weigh in on parking, speech, Sniff, viruses

dear The Rag-

ive been an avid reader of your peper as it is posted in various locations of defication around campus.  it seems the only way that anyone will read your paper is when they are unavoidably detained on the crapper.

the articles that i find most disturbing appear in the November 10 publication. for starters, your article "tri-state parking All hack'd up" seems to be written by a seriously diluted individual. this person seems to think that if they put a faulty license number on the registraton form, then they will be safe from parking tickets.  it seems that this person forgot that there are other ways to find the owner of the vehicle in question--such as the BMV.  this person also thinks that he or she is justified in parking illegaly since there "isnt enough student parking".  well my friend, there is plent of parking on the west side of Hershey Hall.  this si an inconvienient spot, i will grant you that, but wouldnt it be a whole lot simpler and easier on yur blood pressure if u would just park there instead of getting so worked up about a parking ticket?  to sum up this paragraph... 
  We're all college students, supposedly we're intelligent, so if there isnt a parking space, DON'T PARK THERE!!

Next, your article on "student sensorship" can only be described as "arguments without thought or direction"  it seems that someone is confused as to why they were ordered to take down propaganda comparing the university president to various facist leaders. i can certainly understand why people would find that offensive, and i am a little concerned as to why that individual cannot.  as i said earlier, we are college students, but in a few years, we will be working for a living.  i challenge that individual to put an article on his or her ofice door comparing his or her employer to Hitler. id be willing to bet that that person would be OREDERED to remove the article within the hour. and when that individual began arguing about "freedom of speech", they would be unemployed before lunch break. i look forward to reading my article in your next publication.  since your organization puts such a high value on freedom of speech, to deny my rights by not publishing this article in its entirety would damage your own cause and weaken your political position. (dare i use the word 'hypocrate'?)

Andy Rockwell

p.s.  i would like my name to be published with this article, because unlike your annonymous authors, i am willing to discuss my views in person with anyone who so desires.

I recently overheard a conversation (as I usually do) regarding one persons' view on "The Rag". Through all the subliterate statements, one particularly stood out: "The Rag should not be allowed to talk about religion, I find it offensive, their opinions all sound the same". Imagine having hot wax poured down your throat with a funnel and your semen extracted with a hypodermic needle. It was a similar experience. I restrained from inserting a fork in the students' forehead but as some may [say] was a victim of my own insults. (chronic misinterpreters)
The problem here and in most places regarding malcompetent tightwads has to do with holding on too tightly to ideas. People grab hold of an idea like... Christianity, and hold on to the Bible like it's a lukewarm dildo whose batteries are dying out, even if a penis is standing right in front of them. The same applies to most views, with the small exception of a few agnostics, not too many people are that open to new perspectives. Let me elaborate by saying this: "That which you hold holds you". Debate is great and The Rag is perfect for voicing opinions without having a bible thumper drop the morality bomb on opposing views, and for hearing others perspectives. Everytime a debate is avoided, a topic overlooked, the birdbath that the gene pool already is is dorked down by lightyears. Don't be a pre-evolved product of incest, look at other sides if you give a damn that much. On the other hand, don't listen, I am most likely some typical atheist who just acts like he knows everything.


Dear Rag Editors,

I too have had an experience with this so-called "Nimda" virus. A few days ago, I was happily playing Counterstrike when YET AGAIN it crashed. (I think the server is messed up.)  Anyway, when I re-started my computer, a message came up on the screen telling me that I was infected with Nimda, followed by a mysterious "C:\>" thing.  I didn't know what to do!  Thankfully, one of the STORMs came by and re-installed Windows for me, and now I can go back to throwing flash-bangs.  Too bad I'll have to redo my Calculus homework, but at least I'm Nimda-free.

Yours Humbly,

Just read your latest off the pop machine, went into your website to read the others.  Interesting.

Are you aware that TSU is planning to MOVE Sniff hall?  The building was built in 1887... do you hear bricks crumbling?  Front page news of the Herald Republican on Saturday the 10th.  Now I have also heard that they may not 'move' it per se but 'turn' it because Brooks and etc. want a courtyard effect.  So when you wonder about the constant always raised issue of parking space…ask about where they heck they are getting money for such an absolutely ridiculous event!
Parking is a headache to all on campus, staff, faculty and students and yet there's a very large area between Best Hall and Maumee that could easily be designed, but rather they plan to continue University Avenue into the grass…where Sniff is!?!  I can't say the article is very clear nor can I say the verbal comments are either, they tend to conflict each other.

And also have you ever noticed that non of the buildings on campus (excluding the dorms of which I am unaware of the status) have no hot water in the bathrooms? What a joy that is in the winter! Heat is not to be turned on until there are 3 days of 30 degree weather in a row?

Sorry sign that departments on campus are losing people's information, but is this really a surprise here?  Come on, it seems to be the rule of thumb here between that and ill advising, Tri-State wouldn't be Tri-State!

All this yet tuition will rise again, I'm sure.

Dear Rag, 

This is my first submission. You can be assured that with people like the one you will soon read about that this won't be my last. Following is a short letter sent to Professor Kathy Foerster in regards to the play being done by the TSU Drama club. I have deleted all the mail addresses for convenience and out of respect of those on the list. I have not however deleted the name of the original author of the letter as I feel he deserves full credit for his work. 

[Ed. Note: Name withheld by Rag staff]

Subject: FW: "You have the right to remain dead"
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001
Hi everybody,
I'm forwarding this to you for comment.  We seem to have struck a chord.  KF

> From: H.
> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 4:50 PM
> To: Foerster, Kathy
> Subject: RE: "You have the right to remain dead"
> I am offended by your choice for the subject title of your email. > In our nations current situation I hardly think it was >appropriate.
First off the subject was the title of the play. "You Have the Right to Remain Dead" It has nothing to do with the current situation of our nation. The play was written long before this year, and was chosen before September 11th. Had the people known what was going to happen, they might have still picked it because it's a COMEDY. Certainly this little part of our nation could use a few laughs.

As to whether it was appropriate to use the title for the subject of the play I'll leave up to the reader. 

To end this I would like to mention how disgusted I was to see the above message. To put it in words that even Mr. H. can understand:

     Your waste of time and energy writing a pointless complaint offends me. In our nation's current situation, I hardly think that your whining about some tiny university play is going to make things better. Perhaps you should use all that time and energy spent bothering with the little things and do something useful. I would make suggestions but that would hardly be appropriate. 

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