I will be sending a letter to Infoseek shortly, to see if they can shed
some light on the subject (see if they log IPs/domains of those that submit
sites to their index, including improperly) and find out if there has been
any unauthorized submission (spamming) of my URLs. In the meanwhile, I
have taken the liberty of re-submitting my pages, as well as a few others'....
Where's Calvin? Good question. We recently applied to have our very-cool banner added to the Geoguide rotation. Three or four re-applies later, we have not a spot on a Geoguide but rather a boxful of snarling Emails, each stating that we are unacceptable for the banner-on-a-Geoguide program.
Subject: Basic GeoRewards Program
Date: Fri, 8 Aug 1997 15:02:29 -0700
From: rewards@geocities.com
To: bgip@ix.[NoSpamBots].netcom.com
Here are some common violations of our guidelines:
1) Ad banners: GeoCities ONLY allows Internet Link Exchange
and GeoGuide banners
2) Illegal content such as information on hacking, cracking,
and/or pirated software
3) Pornography/nudity
(Please note: This does not mean that your page violated all
three of these guidelines. We're just listing these as
possible reasons you may have received this letter.)
Please review the GeoCities content guidelines at
Once you have altered the material on your site to comply with
our content guidelines, we'll be happy to admit you to
GeoRewards. Please feel free to re-apply at that time by going
to <http://www.geocities.com/cgi-bin/georewards/submit_form>.
If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to
e-mail them to <rewards@geocities.com>. We'll get back to you
as quickly as we can. We also have a list of frequently asked
questions about GeoRewards at
<http://www.geocities.com/georewards/faq.html> -- you may want
to check there first to see if your question has already been
* * *
FAQ: http://www.geocities.com/georewards/faq.html
Personally, I don't care what they think at this point. For all I care, the GC execs can line up and kiss my keester. But that's just my opinion. (and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of other members of the Web Crew.)