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MAC bashing Lose95 Your Jokes Newsroom
the lighter side of computing
  Random Windows Tip of the Moment

Welcome to Snicker! This site is kinda new, so you'll have to bear with us while we fill in all the goodies. Snicker is the site for Mac haters, funny boners, Window$ 95 users, and the occasional dork who doesn't even know how they got here. (That makes just about everybody!)

As you can see, this page ain't that funny. But wait! It will make you laugh. It will make you laugh until you puke! Then you'll squeegee off the monitor and do it some more!

If anybody is wondering, 'Who the hell runs this place, anyway?' the answer is YOU. While our eternal gratitude goes out to Geocities, without whom this wonderful site would not be possible (blatant plug), it's the people who access Snicker that make it great. We need everyone's funny stuff, jokes, advice, pictures, anything good that you can give us. Even if you don't have anything to contribute, we insist that you email us anyway so we can get some idea of how many people come here. Never trust the counter!, somebody says.

Calvin taking a leek on Exploder You are bonehead # to access this site since March 1997.


Special feature: Name This Page

Take part in our Name This Page contest! You did know that Snicker is not our permanent name, right? We're Snicker now because, well, when our joke-writing guy saw Graphics Guy's animated Calvin he started to snicker. This was about the time the Geocities server asked us for a username. "Shut up, Snicker, I'm trying to think!", said Web Guy. And so our username, Snicker_page, was born.

We challenge you to think up a new name. Email us with a name and if yours is the one we select, you get a prize! And if you're too lazy to hit the Mail button on your browser, just fill in the form below and hit 'Send' to move it on its merry way. (We aren't exactly sure what the prize is yet, but there is one. It could be our Qbasic game library, a Domino's Pizza, or our extensive collection of punk and metal MIDIs. We really don't know.)

Name survey

Suggest a new name for this site
Your Email address--so we know where to send the goodies if you're a winner

Previous submissions-if you can't think of one on your own, vote for someone else's!

Fatal Exception (FX)
This Damn Machine
Page Fault
Byte This
This Bytes
Boot Hill (Reboot hill?)
Full Frontal Nerdity

Suggest a future Funny Word of the Week

Note: This form is sent via Email. If you're freaked out by the idea of our Web Crew seeing your return address, please do not send this form!

Directory (as promsied)

 In the works for this site:

Won't you be our neighbor? Sign up for a free home page on Geocities!

This website created using the world's most advanced HTML editor,  Notepad.
This page best laughed at with   Questions, comments, jokes, and stuff can be sent to Web guy
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jokes computers computer jokes windows Windows lose95 lose 95 lose '95 bill gates kill bill gates Microsloth Macrosloth Macrosoft Jokes Computer jokes computers windows window$ conspiracies Microsoft conspiracy Microsoft Micro$oft Microsoft conspiracy theories Mac bashing Macs Macintosh Macintoshes Macintosh bashing Windows humor Windows jokes boners mistakes bug reports the lighter side of computing snicker_page snicker Snicker computer problems computer errors bugs Windows errors logo screens Windows logo screens Windows startup screens startup screens Abort Retry Ignore 95 Windows CE WinCE Wintel Netscape Intel WinTel Emergency Recovery funny word of the week Funny Word Of The Week Funny Word of the Week Web Guy Jokes Guy Graphics Guy Graphics Chick pranks computer pranks free prank programs free to download free graphics free logo screens brainwash brainwashing Brainwash 95 subliminal messages Windows naming conventions Crapintosh Crapple Apple apple Mac hate Mac hater Apple propoganda IBM-compatible DOS W95 (and we just can't bring ourselves to say 'Win95') Recycling Bin Customize! Customize Customizing customizing Windows 95 regedit Registry Editor Registry patch tips Windows tips patch tips registry entry changing startup screens changing logo screens bloatware fatal exception fatal exception 0E lesser known lesser-known Windows errors page fault Page Fault fault fault Fault Fault Invalid Fault Fault invelid fault fault too much memory Too Much Memory TSR TSR failure Failure Exception exception memory problems sloppy OS OS'es bloated operating systems bloat code bloat Not enough extended memory RAM random-access memory random access Alzheimer's Newsroom newsroom boot hang hangs hanged crash crashed crashing crashes lock up lock-up reset resets erratic strange screens scrambled screen screens strange messages error message error-messages messages files missing System file missing data gremlins Data Gremlins eat delete corrupt deleted corrupted deleting corrupting hard drive damage power supply Emergency Recovery Utility ERU (ERU) backup system infestation virus random excessive pointless hard-drive hard drive activity replication propogation virus computer virus viruses Viruses anti-virus antivirus Microsoft spying applications spy spies Bill Gates Fun Page Stress management 101 stress relif reliever M$ infected machine program MSAV WIN IEXPLORE FDISK HCL Hcl fake dos fake DOS FAKEDOS FAKEDOS.ZIP FAKEDOS.EXE sos SOS reinstall re-install Microsoft Scandisk scandisk Safe mode safe mode emergency disk diskette Device Manager frequent-surfer miles L.O.D. LOD legion of doom surf Net 'Net internet Internet Outernet binary floppy micro soft softs Plug n Play DEL Doublespace Each Line any 'any' RAID motorized automatic cupholder CDROM CD CD-ROM hard disk dollar signs sucker $ucker Rubber Room Asylum nuthouse nutscrape nadigator 'nadigator Internet Explorer exploder exploiter insecure dangerous Right-There-Harv right there harv up yours up yours! rumors anti-Microsoft ActiveX erase eat destroy corrupt hacker hackers we know who you are pirate Windows products snooping