generous donations help keep this site online!
If you are interested in advertising on CEXX.ORG, please do the following:
Cut a strip of
aluminum foil about 3 inches wide by 24 inches long. Fold it in half
along the short edge, forming a piece 12 inches long. Fold again in the
same manner, twice more; then fold lengthwise. Now put the whole thing
in your mouth and chew vigorously (fillings and/or braces help complete
the effect). This approximates the sensation I get everytime someone
mails me offering to "monetize my traffic flow", "start a marketing
synergy", join their affiliate program, et cetera. Same goes for
various companies of unknown repute offering "donations" in exchange
for product placement, or asking what our pop-up advertising rates are,
or inquring if we would be amenable to shameless promotion of a product
nobody in their self-respecting minds would support. Or even
theoretically very good products. I don't care. The point is, to anyone
looking to waste my time with these sort of mails, I invite you to look
around on this page for a moment. Count how many things are blinking
loudly at you, are warning you that (gasp!) your computer is
broadcasting an IP address (or your house is broadcasting a street
address), or inviting you to punch a monkey in the face and win a
prize*. Count the number of paid advertisements cleverly disguised as
content or personal recommendations...or paid advertisements in
general, for that matter. Count the number of seedy companies that we
are beholden to. (Hint: We comply with the Americans with Disabilities
Act. You can count these occurrences on your fingers, and reach the
same result whether you have fingers or not.)
Hopefully, you
have taken a subtle hint by now. For those who insist on pestering me
with such offers anyway, okay, you win. In reality, despite all my talk
about how I can't stand advertising and won't soil my pages with
marketing trash, every man has his price. So without further yap-flap,
I present to you...
CEXX.ORG Advertising Rates - effective 2004/10/01
....getting the hint yet?