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help keep this site online!
[Oct 7 '02] What Spies Beneath (TIME Magazine)
[July '02] Title Unknown (LAPTOP Magazine) - Anyone have a copy of this?
[June 27 '02] Spies at liberty in your PC (The Guardian UK)
[May 1 '02] Fighting Back Against EULAs (
[April 10 '02] Kazaa may contain a 'New' surprise (ZDNet AU) - They
say no press is bad press...but see the Webmaster's clarifying comments as well.
[April '02] Adware & Spyware
(Smart Computing Learning Series) p123-125
[Jan 27 '02] Spyware In AudioGalaxy (
[Jan 24 '02] Spyware, In a Galaxy Near You (Wired News)
[Jan/Feb '02] Getting rid of pop-up ads online (ON Magazine) p26
[December '01] They're Counting On You (Smart Computing Magazine) p47
[6/13/01] Creative Labs accused
of spying (C|Net)
[5/22/01] Hobbyists
souping up electronics (Philly Inq.) - Also avail. at MSNBC/other
[5/15/01] "Spyware" piggybacks
on Napster rivals (C|Net) - Napster
clones spy on their P2P users (ZDnet) - Same story, diff. sites
[8/17/00] C|Net Insider:
The spy who bugged me
CEXX.ORG not-quite-in-the-news
Microsoft Knowledge Base #303379 Internet Security and
Acceleration (ISA) vs. New.Net conflict
Our Domainholder interviewed
on CNET's PhoenixNet BIOS story
Occasional references in computer
science courses,
esp. regarding privacy and security.